Another Fraudulent buyer

A client of ours some service work on high end designer handbags and other related items. A potential customer reached out about having their $25,000 bag services. A label was sent to the customer to mail in the item and it was requested to be insured for $25,000. The bag went missing along the way. Through our claims investigation, we identified that the claim documentation that the customer submitted was fraudulent, and confirmed that this particular customer was trying to extort $25,000 from our client by way of a fraudulent insurance claim.

The label that our client had sent to their customer had been manipulated in order to guarantee the packaging being lost. The investigation proved otherwise, the fraudulent customer stopped pursuing this against our client, and they were very thankful to not have footed this loss of a substantial amount.

Discover how we helped our customers.

Quick Response to Package Tampering

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Discover how we helped our customers.

Detailed Analysis Prevents Parcel Loss

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Effortless Logistics, Unrivaled Protection

 Cabrella = Your Cargo Umbrella

We developed a powerful solution to decrease your shipping & insurance costs, increase productivity and provide peace of mind knowing your parcels are covered if something goes awry.
