How to Ship a Drum Set Safely

Benjamin Meskin
March 12, 2019


If music is your business, you understand the importance of getting your instruments to their destination safely. While some instruments are easier to pack and ship, such as guitars or banjos, there are those instruments that are much more challenging.


Shipping a drum kit can be like putting a puzzle together without much guidance. It's hit or miss, and you can only do your best at hoping you have it properly packaged so damage will not result. With the proper planning, you can pack your drum set and ship the entire set without risking damage.



Getting the Right Materials for Packing for Drum Set Shipping



When it comes to knowing how to ship drums, make sure you have everything you need to pack and ship the musical instrument properly. Here are some things you will need to have in order:

Untitled-Project (38)


Once you have the correct materials, it's time to start packing! Watch this quick video from SoundPure or keep reading for step-by-step instructions.



Ensuring Your Drum Set Is Properly Packed



Step 1

If you sell drums or must ship drum sets regularly for musical performances, you need to know how to ship a drum set safely. You will start the process by taking the legs off your drums. You will need to take down the rack stand for the floor tom drum. Your snare drum’s stand and legs can be laid away for the time being. The drums are easier to work with if you put them on their sides.


Step 2


You should remove a bass drum head and place it in a safe location to avoid damage. Cut cardboard to the depth of the kick drum and line the drum with it. You can fold this cardboard about every six inches. Use tape to tightly secure bubble wrap around the drum as well as on each end. You will need to use cardboard and bubble wrap inside the bottom of the kick drum so the other head will be protected.


Step 3


If you are not using a separate box, you will need to put the rack tom in the kick drum after it has been wrapped. Use crumbled newspaper in abundance to fill the gaps. Make sure the tom is secured, so it will not be able to shift or move. Put scraps of cardboard on top of the rack tom then put the head back on the kick drum.


Step 4


To save space for a multi-piece kit and to ensure everything is well-packed, you should pack the tom in the kick drum. Take cardboard to line inside as well as outside the kick drum. Stuff it with newspaper then add extra protection with bubble wrap to ensure the tom stays put inside the kick drum.


Step 5


You will then use foam slabs inside the box to keep the kick drum in place and to prevent shifting. This also offers protection to the heads. Use a generous amount of bubble wrap for the hardware, then tape around the center of it and tape it on each end.


Step 6


Use the same approach on the next drum, but you will not have a second drum inside of it. You must make sure you buy the best materials for packing the drum set, which will help ensure safe transport and delivery. By knowing how to ship a drum set, you can save yourself time and trouble.



Packing it All in the Box


Step 7


Now that you have everything wrapped and ready, it is time to pack the drum set in the box. You will create a shell of scrap cardboard to protect the bass drum. You need to bubble wrap it and then make sure it is securely taped. Put an additional layer of cardboard at the box bottom to ensure the box is sturdy and won’t be pierced if it gets set down on a sharp or uneven surface.


Step 8


The wrapped kick drum can now be put in the box. You will need to use more cardboard scraps to make sure you have another layer on top of the drum. If you realize the box is taller than your drum at this point, you will need to make the mark about two inches higher than the drum inside the box. You can cut a corner here at the mark and fold the sides over, changing the box height. Make sure it fits snug.


Step 9


If you have additional equipment like cymbals and stands, then you can use those to fill in the spaces after they are wrapped securely with cardboard and bubble wrap to prevent damage to drum set and heads.



Insure Your Shipment


Step 10


While you may have packed your drum set securely, there are still risks that it incurs in transit. You must take additional precautions and protect your kit with shipping insurance. Shipping insurance covers unforeseen incidents. Without insurance, your drum set is not protected against lost, stolen, or damage from neglect.


Not all shipping companies are the same, and each company’s level of insurance may or may not cover the full cost of your prized possession. When you ship your drum set, a musical instrument shipping insurance provider, like Cabrella, can give you peace of mind you are fully covered for any mishap that could happen.


Are you curious if shipping insurance is a good idea for your music business? Download a free copy of our guide to learn more about shipping insurance, proven ways to increase customer satisfaction, expand your trading universe, and how to dramatically reduce overall shipping costs. Click the button below to start learning!

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How to Ship a Drum Set Safely



If music is your business, you understand the importance of getting your instruments to their destination safely. While some instruments are easier to pack and ship, such as guitars or banjos, there are those instruments that are much more challenging.


Shipping a drum kit can be like putting a puzzle together without much guidance. It's hit or miss, and you can only do your best at hoping you have it properly packaged so damage will not result. With the proper planning, you can pack your drum set and ship the entire set without risking damage.



Getting the Right Materials for Packing for Drum Set Shipping



When it comes to knowing how to ship drums, make sure you have everything you need to pack and ship the musical instrument properly. Here are some things you will need to have in order:

Untitled-Project (38)


Once you have the correct materials, it's time to start packing! Watch this quick video from SoundPure or keep reading for step-by-step instructions.



Ensuring Your Drum Set Is Properly Packed



Step 1

If you sell drums or must ship drum sets regularly for musical performances, you need to know how to ship a drum set safely. You will start the process by taking the legs off your drums. You will need to take down the rack stand for the floor tom drum. Your snare drum’s stand and legs can be laid away for the time being. The drums are easier to work with if you put them on their sides.


Step 2


You should remove a bass drum head and place it in a safe location to avoid damage. Cut cardboard to the depth of the kick drum and line the drum with it. You can fold this cardboard about every six inches. Use tape to tightly secure bubble wrap around the drum as well as on each end. You will need to use cardboard and bubble wrap inside the bottom of the kick drum so the other head will be protected.


Step 3


If you are not using a separate box, you will need to put the rack tom in the kick drum after it has been wrapped. Use crumbled newspaper in abundance to fill the gaps. Make sure the tom is secured, so it will not be able to shift or move. Put scraps of cardboard on top of the rack tom then put the head back on the kick drum.


Step 4


To save space for a multi-piece kit and to ensure everything is well-packed, you should pack the tom in the kick drum. Take cardboard to line inside as well as outside the kick drum. Stuff it with newspaper then add extra protection with bubble wrap to ensure the tom stays put inside the kick drum.


Step 5


You will then use foam slabs inside the box to keep the kick drum in place and to prevent shifting. This also offers protection to the heads. Use a generous amount of bubble wrap for the hardware, then tape around the center of it and tape it on each end.


Step 6


Use the same approach on the next drum, but you will not have a second drum inside of it. You must make sure you buy the best materials for packing the drum set, which will help ensure safe transport and delivery. By knowing how to ship a drum set, you can save yourself time and trouble.



Packing it All in the Box


Step 7


Now that you have everything wrapped and ready, it is time to pack the drum set in the box. You will create a shell of scrap cardboard to protect the bass drum. You need to bubble wrap it and then make sure it is securely taped. Put an additional layer of cardboard at the box bottom to ensure the box is sturdy and won’t be pierced if it gets set down on a sharp or uneven surface.


Step 8


The wrapped kick drum can now be put in the box. You will need to use more cardboard scraps to make sure you have another layer on top of the drum. If you realize the box is taller than your drum at this point, you will need to make the mark about two inches higher than the drum inside the box. You can cut a corner here at the mark and fold the sides over, changing the box height. Make sure it fits snug.


Step 9


If you have additional equipment like cymbals and stands, then you can use those to fill in the spaces after they are wrapped securely with cardboard and bubble wrap to prevent damage to drum set and heads.



Insure Your Shipment


Step 10


While you may have packed your drum set securely, there are still risks that it incurs in transit. You must take additional precautions and protect your kit with shipping insurance. Shipping insurance covers unforeseen incidents. Without insurance, your drum set is not protected against lost, stolen, or damage from neglect.


Not all shipping companies are the same, and each company’s level of insurance may or may not cover the full cost of your prized possession. When you ship your drum set, a musical instrument shipping insurance provider, like Cabrella, can give you peace of mind you are fully covered for any mishap that could happen.


Are you curious if shipping insurance is a good idea for your music business? Download a free copy of our guide to learn more about shipping insurance, proven ways to increase customer satisfaction, expand your trading universe, and how to dramatically reduce overall shipping costs. Click the button below to start learning!

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